Mastering every situation with a strong MindSet

Seven steps to a strong MindSet

Whether in normal or extreme situations - a strong mindset is indispensable. Mindset describes the inner attitude or attitude of a man in a certain situation. A positive attitude helps to be successful and to make the best out of every situation. A strong mindset is especially essential in business and sport. Entrepreneurs, managers, leaders and top athletes know this all too well.

It is well known that everyone can strengthen and develop their mindset. But how do you build a strong mindset? And how do you maintain it in the long term? This article presents seven steps that will help you to build and develop your mindset and keep it strong in the long term.


Mindset is made up of the words “mind” for spirit and “set” for attitude. It describes the inner attitude of the mind. According to quantum physics, matter consists of energy, which in turn consists of atoms. Atoms, for their part, consist of innumerable small vortices. These vortices are called quanta, quarks and photons and are invisible energy. The American author and physicist Fred Alan Wolf also calls this energy “pure consciousness”. Consciousness is understood to be the general state of mind. Pure consciousness is neutral, creative and can generate positive thoughts.

The German physicist Max Planck put it this way: “All matter arises and exists only through a force. Thus, behind this force we must assume a conscious, intelligent spirit. This spirit is the primordial ground of all matter.” Spirit, then, encompasses everything and is an unlimited source. Accordingly, it can be built up and expanded infinitely.

Energy and blockages

The mind is a conscious, intelligent, neutral and creative energy. It can generate positive thoughts. But there is also the law of conservation of energy, which states that the sum of all energy in a closed system is always constant. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another or transferred from one body to another. Quantum physics also states that every human being is its own energy unit and leaves its own energy signature in the universe.

People have no to very deep-seated blockages or limitations because of their past history. These are forms of energy and come from experiences made, upbringing, training completed, media consumed and from “adapting to society”. The experiences made are stored in the cells. If the experiences are positive, the person strives for more positive experiences. If the experiences were negative, the person wants to avoid these experiences.

Our experiences shape us and influence our behaviour and decisions. If we have positive experiences, we want to have more of them. Negative experiences, on the other hand, we try to avoid. But what happens when we repeatedly have negative experiences? In such cases, we run the risk of entering a vicious circle of negative experiences and negative thinking and entering a dangerous downward spiral.

To counteract this, there is an efficient solution: we can transform our energy and thus release negative blockages and limitations. The human being is an energy unit and can transform its energy according to the law of conservation of energy. Special techniques can help us to recognise existing blockages and transform them into more productive forms of energy.

Before we build a strong mindset, we need to take care of transforming our negative experiences. Only in this way can we release our blockages and limitations and fill them up with new, conscious and success-bringing energy. In this way, we create the best conditions for a clear and strong mindset that will last in the long term.

Overall, it is important to realise that we can influence our experiences ourselves. By focusing on our energy and transforming it in a targeted way, we can release our blockages and limitations and build a strong mindset.

Methods to build a strong MindSet

Probably the best-known methods of building a strong mind set are regular repetition of affirmations, mental training, meditation or visualisation. These methods are proven to be very helpful and give you a good foundation.


Affirmations are a simple but effective method to strengthen the MindSet. Affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself over and over again to programme your subconscious mind in a certain way. By repeating the affirmations, new neural connections are formed in the brain that support the desired behaviour or thought pattern.

An example of an affirmation might be, “I am successful and I am achieving my goals.” By regularly repeating this statement, the subconscious mind is trained to adopt this belief and adjust behaviour accordingly. It is important that the affirmations are formulated in the present tense and are positively oriented.

Mental Training

Mental training is a collection of psychological methods aimed at improving various skills and attributes such as emotional competence, cognitive abilities, resilience, self-confidence, mental strength and well-being. It involves the use of targeted stimuli associated with emotions that are repeated to achieve predefined end states as well as improved self-esteem.

Biofeedback or neurofeedback methods such as electroencephalography (EEG) can support mental training. The feedback stimulates the brain to optimise its self-regulatory capacity and thus improve resilience. Mental training is often used in sports and management, but requires a high energy expenditure to maintain the desired state.


Meditation is a spiritual practice. Through mindfulness or concentration exercises, the body, mind and spirit are calmed and collected. In Eastern cultures, meditation is considered a fundamental and central consciousness-expanding exercise. The states of consciousness sought are described differently and often with terms such as stillness, inner peace, emptiness, oneness, being in the here and now or being free of thoughts.

Meditation has many benefits for the psyche and physiology of people. It is now also used in elite sports as well as in management. Compared to mental training, it requires less energy to maintain a certain state. Because one does not programme a goal, but strives for a flow that leads to emptiness in the mind. After that, the person consciously decides what he or she wants to accept or do. With time, people and situations can be attracted as if out of nowhere.

For more information on meditation, I recommend this blog post. In this article, I go into more detail about the many benefits of meditation.


Visualisation is an effective method to strengthen one’s mindset and achieve goals. By specifically imagining certain situations and experiences, the brain is stimulated to prepare and take the necessary steps to turn these visions into reality.

Visualisation is about creating a clear and detailed idea of the desired outcome. This can be done by using different senses, such as sight, hearing, smell and touch, to make the visualisation as realistic as possible. An example of this could be imagining yourself giving a successful presentation, hearing the audience applaud and feeling your own satisfaction.

Visualisation can be used to improve athletic performance as well as at work or in everyday life. Studies have shown that athletes who visualise a successful performance of their sport before a competition can significantly improve their performance. In everyday work, visualisation can also help to better master challenges and focus on successes.

An important aspect of visualisation is regularity. To develop a strong mindset and achieve long-term goals, visualisation should take place at regular intervals. It can be helpful to keep a visualisation diary and note down progress or new ideas.

Visualisation is an effective method to strengthen one’s mindset and achieve goals. By specifically imagining desired outcomes, we can mentally prepare ourselves for them and stimulate our subconscious to take the necessary steps to achieve them.

Benefits of a strong MindSet

A strong mindset can be of great benefit to you in many areas of life. It can help you achieve your goals more easily, overcome challenges more calmly, have more positive relationships, and live a more fulfilling life. Here are some benefits that a strong mindset offers:

1. Increased motivation: when you have a strong mindset, you are more motivated to achieve your goals. You’re willing to take the necessary steps and overcome obstacles to achieve your dreams

2. Better stress management: With a strong mindset, you are better able to handle stress. You can see challenges as opportunities and learn how to better control your thoughts and emotions to deal with difficult situations

3. Increased resilience: a strong mindset gives you the ability to overcome setbacks and defeats and emerge stronger. You develop an inner strength and resilience that enables you to persevere through difficult times

4. Improved self-confidence: With a strong mindset, you develop healthy self-confidence. You learn to accept yourself, not depend on others, and trust in your own abilities.

5. Improved performance: a strong mindset can help you improve your performance, whether at work, in sports, or in other areas of life. You develop the ability to focus on what’s important, stay focused, and stay productive.

Overall, a strong mindset can help you make the most of your life. It gives you the strength and stamina to achieve your goals and overcome challenges, allowing you to live a full and happy life.

With 7 simple steps and systematics to a long-term strong MindSet

Those who want to build a strong MindSet must be aware that this is not a one-time process. Rather, it is an ongoing development that must be consciously nurtured again and again. The good thing is that it is quite possible to achieve a long-term strong MindSet with the help of simple steps and a structured system.

Here are seven simple steps that will help you develop a strong MindSet:

1. Define your end state, reflect on your thoughts and emotions and identify negative patterns

2. Set realistic but challenging goals that are aligned with your strengths and choose your method or combination of methods to work with

3. Establish a daily routine and stick to it. No matter what is going on outside.  Develop a positive attitude and pay attention to your successes and experiences

4. Go through your routine daily in the morning and in the evening. Avoid negative self-talk and surround yourself with positive influences

5. Measure your results and observe yourself constantly. Learn to deal with setbacks and see them as an opportunity to improve

6. Strengthen your resilience through regular relaxation exercises and meditation. Write down your findings and progress (keep a daily journal)

7. Put what you have learned into practice and reflect regularly to assess your progress and make adjustments if necessary. Optimise permanently

If you apply these steps consistently, you can build and strengthen your MindSet. It is important to stay patient and take your time to develop your MindSet. If you stick with it, you will benefit from it in all areas of your life in the long run.

Implementation is crucial

Implementation is the essential factor when it comes to building a strong mindset. It is not enough to just understand theories or concepts. Rather, these ideas must be actively integrated into your own life and applied on a daily basis. This requires time, patience and perseverance, but also courage and confidence in your ability to bring about change.

It is important to set concrete goals and make a plan on how to achieve them. Regularly reflecting and adjusting the plan helps to stay on track and monitor progress. The environment and people around you also play an important role. It is helpful to surround yourself with positive and motivating people who support and encourage you.

Ultimately, it is about breaking out of your comfort zone and facing life’s challenges. Implementing new mindsets and habits requires discipline and perseverance, but it will lead to a strong and resilient mindset in the long run. Because only through consistent implementation and continuous self-reflection can we continuously develop and achieve our goals. It is in your hands.

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